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Australian Students

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Your questions answered!

Questions? We’re here to help! Below is a collection of answers to common questions we receive from year 12 graduates and other Australian students.

If your question cannot be found below, please click on the chat box “We are Here” on this page during business hours or contact us for more information.

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General Study Questions

What's the difference between a Griffith College diploma and one from TAFE?

TAFE and other private providers teach certificates through to diplomas under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) framework. They are designed to provide practical skills for employment.

Griffith College offers higher education or undergraduate diplomas that mirror the first year of a bachelor degree. With us, you are studying the same subjects as you would in the first year of the degree, so when you progress to university you will be prepared academically for the level of study.

You also get the support to learn how to be a uni student with us –how to research, study and write at a university level.

Your end rank will be higher with us than with a VET qualification.

Finally, you know exactly what credit you will gain into the degree with us, and can package an offer up to move straight in.

How does the diploma work?

Our university-designed, one-year diplomas are structured to provide the same amount of credit points as first year degree study at Griffith University.

A three-year degree requires students to earn 240 credit points. Our diplomas are worth up to 80 credit points towards this total. That means most Griffith College students are able to progress directly to the second year of their degree at Griffith University.

When you apply via QTAC you can preference the diploma to bachelor pathway in your application, or select a bachelor in your direct application, and receive one offer to move directly to university on successful completion of your diploma (and meeting any specific conditions).

What happens when I finish my diploma? Do I move straight into the bachelor?

If you initially received a packaged offer, then so long as you complete your diploma and receive the required GPA (usually a 4.0 but higher for some more competitive programs – check your offer conditions) you would progress directly into the Griffith University Bachelor program.

There are some programs (for example, Diploma of Health Science and Diploma of Health Care), where there are extra conditions and quotas to meet to progress. These are outlined on our website. During Orientation your Program Convenor will discuss these requirements and your options if you are on a offered program that has quotas.

How do the Griffith College diploma programs differ to the new Griffith University undergraduate diplomas?

Entry Requirements:

The entry requirements for both programs are quite different. For university, students will still need to met the ATAR requirements and any subject prerequisites, including Essential English. Griffith College diplomas are still open for year 12 graduates who have a Queensland Certificate of Education (or equivalent from another state), Certificate III or passes in three year 12 subjects.


At Griffith College your peers are all studying a diploma. Rather than big lecture halls followed by tutorials, we offer learning experiences that are capped at 30 students, allowing for a focus on interaction with teaching staff and peers.

Griffith University’s undergraduate diploma students will still sit in lectures and tutorials with students in their first year of the bachelor.

Griffith College offers two extra subjects, Academic Skills Development and Core Maths Skills, both designed to improve student’s skills to in their diploma and throughout their degree.

Experience in support: 

Griffith College has been offering pathway study for over 25 years and through our expertise and experience, we have excelled in helping students to improve their academic skills and successfully progress onto university.

Griffith College students have access to a variety of support services. Our support staff are dedicated to helping the student to navigate their study and are aware of the unique needs of students entering pathway study.

Student Learning Advisors offer study skills workshops and assessment consultations, so you’ll have all the support you might need to reach your goals.

Student Counsellors with experience in specific aspects of emotional wellbeing are available to offer guidance on any aspect of life that might be causing you stress or concern.

How long after I apply will I know if I'm accepted?

If you are applying via QTAC, please check the next offer round dates – your official offer from Griffith College will be sent within 2 business days of your acceptance on QTAC.

If you are applying directly, please allow 5- 10 business days. Please be aware that Trimester 1 (March) is our largest intake so there may be increased delays.

I know the area of study I want to explore, but I'm not sure exactly which bachelor yet. What can I do?

With our diploma programs you are studying first year subjects – these subjects are often common in many programs in the same faculty.

You can apply for a diploma / bachelor pathway and if during your studies you want to change bachelor program, you can simply request a change. It’s ok to change your mind, you might talk to a teacher and discuss their career journey, really enjoy (or not enjoy!) a particular subject, have a discussion in class or get interested in some research that leads you to change. That’s ok!

If you applied for the stand-alone diploma, you may be able to add the bachelor in, or you can use your completed diploma to apply for the bachelor.

Can I choose class times to suit my personal schedule?

Early enrolment opens approximately 3 weeks prior to class commencement. This gives you the opportunity to log on to your student portal and choose your classes. You will have some options of different times, but please be aware that classes will generally run between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday.

As our classes are much smaller than a university lecture (usually capped to 30), each class does fill up pretty quickly, but more are released as needed.

All of our classes are designed to attend in person to give you the best learning experience, including interaction with teaching staff and peers. If you are attending live via Teams we still want you to participate in class discussions and activities, so please have your camera on.

What should I do if I want to see if I can get directly into the university before applying to the College?

If you have received an offer via QTAC, you can respond to accept but note that you would like to be put forward for higher preferences. Add us as a preference to your QTAC application for peace of mind that you will meet entry requirements regardless of your ATAR, as long as you have a QCE or Certificate III.

School Leaver / Year 12 Applications

I didn’t study an ATAR pathway, how do I get into university? I’m thinking of dropping my ATAR pathway.

Our entry requirement is only a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or a Certificate III, there’s no need for an ATAR or to be on an ATAR pathway.

I think I might fail a subject in Unit 3 or 4, what can I do?

Studying a Griffith College diploma will allow you to meet the prerequisites or assumed knowledge requirements for your bachelor program. There’s no ATAR needed, so if you don’t do as well as you expected, we have an option for you. Studying at Griffith College will mean that you have more support services and more time with your lecturers and trainers when it comes time to study a subject where you might have failed or struggled with a unit.

What are the entry requirements for high school leavers?

Year 12 graduates are admitted regardless of their ATAR results and their ATAR eligibility (i.e., those not on an ATAR pathway can be eligible). Applicants with a recent secondary education (in the last 5 years) receive guaranteed entry when they have obtained a:

  • A Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), or
  • Passes in at least three (3) general/applied subjects from Year 12, or the equivalent from any state or territory, or
  • Certificate III or higher

I'm worried I might not get enough QCE points to get a certificate. What should I do?

We have a few different options for how you can prove you have completed year 12:

  • Gaining a Queensland Certificate of Education
  • Grades of sound or higher in units 3 and 4 of three subjects
  • Completion of a Certificate III or higher
  • Receiving an ATAR (regardless of the level)

If you don’t reach any of these, please reach out and we will look at any options we can to assist you.

I’m doing Essential English, is that okay?

Yes, you can meet our entry requirements with Essential English.

Our Diploma of Educational Studies, unlike the Bachelor of Education, does not require General English.

If you are an international student you will need to have studied year 11 and 12 in Australia and have passed English, otherwise you may need to sit an IELTS exam.

QTAC Applications and Processes

Do I have to apply with QTAC?

If you are a recent high school leaver, then yes you would need to apply via QTAC. If you are applying for multiple courses or for other institutions, applying with just one application via QTAC will streamline the process for you. It also means you don’t need to gather your QCE and results – QTAC informs us directly.

If you haven’t studied in a while, school or a certificate/diploma, we may direct you to QTAC for your application, again to streamline the process. However you could apply directly, just check here to ensure you have the documentation needed for your direct application.

I accepted my offer with QTAC, but have not received anything from Griffith College - what's happening?

You should also have received an official Letter of Offer from Griffith College sent directly to your email address. Please check your junk/spam folder. You will need to follow the instructions on this email to accept online, or return a signed copy of your offer. There may be other “conditions” outlined in your offer that need to be met.

If you can’t find your official offer email, please ask our team via the website chat or phone and we will resend.

How do I respond to my offer on QTAC?

  1. Log in to Application Services.
  2. Under My Application, select View or Edit.
  3. Under Offers, select View Offer details.
  4. Select the Respond to Offer link.

You can accept, reject or defer your offer here. Each option can be a tentative response (i.e. you want to continue to be eligible for other higher offers – or – this is the one I want, no need for more offers).

What are my response options on QTAC?

When QTAC notifies you that you have an offer available in an offer round, you can either accept, reject or request a deferral.

With each choice there is also an option to remain available for future offer rounds for any preferences HIGHER than the one you were offered, or to inform QTAC that this is the final offer you want.

If you receive an offer from Griffith College but are also hopeful for a direct Griffith University offer, you can use this option to receive an offer from us while you wait to see the outcome of your other preferences.

You can then accept the Griffith College offer we send via email at any time.

Enrolment / Commencement

When can I see my timetable? How many hours will I study per week?

Each trimester the timetable looks a little different depending on the programs and student numbers. We open early enrolment approximately 3 weeks prior to the commencement of classes, this is when you can choose your subjects and timetable.

In terms of hours per week, you would be looking at approximately 4 hours of contact time per subject per week – so a full-time load of 4 subjects would mean 16 hours contact time (lectures, tutorials, workshops) plus additional study and assignment time.

I've applied and accepted, is there anything I should do or any reading I can start before the trimester begins?

Once you receive information regarding logging in and accessing the Digital Campus, you can start familiarising yourself with the platform. Study Toolkits and course information will be populated in the weeks leading up to the start of the course and this can help you get ready for study.

When is Orientation?

Orientation will be held the week prior to Week 1 of classes. Further information about the exact days and times you are expected to attend will be sent out to you closer to the start of each trimester. Check for key dates here.

What happens at Orientation?

Your Orientation Day is a chance to make new friends, get a feel for our campuses (including the Digital Campus) and ask any questions you might have. It’s a fun, friendly introduction to campus life!

Griffith College hosts a series of activities and presentations where you will:

  • Attend a program information session to find out more about your studies
  • Learn to use the Digital Campus
  • Enjoy entertainment and lunch with new classmates
  • Be introduced to services and facilities
  • Obtain your student ID card
  • Get help with IT, enrolment and your timetable if required

Do I have to attend Orientation?

It is extremely important that you attend Orientation as you will hear critical information about your program and studies.

If due to unforeseen circumstances you are unable to attend, please send us an email to let us know.

Note: Students who arrive late have less chance of selecting classes in courses that they wish to take during the trimester.

FEE-Help and Payment Processes

What is FEE-HELP?

FEE-HELP is a loan for students enrolled in fee paying places. These places are not subsidized by the Australian Government, but eligible students may use a FEE-HELP loan to pay their tuition fees.

Am I eligible for FEE-HELP?

You can only get FEE-HELP if you meet the citizenship and residency requirements. You must be either:

  • an Australian citizen who will complete at least one unit of your course of study in Australia
  • a NZ SCV holder who meets the long-term residency requirements and who is resident in Australia for the duration of your study
  • a permanent humanitarian visa holder who is resident in Australia for the duration of your study
  • a permanent visa holder who is undertaking bridging study for overseas-trained professionals and who is resident in Australia for the duration of your study. For more information visit Study Assist’s FEE-HELP page.

How do I apply for FEE-HELP?

After receiving your offer from Griffith College, you will see a Payment Options page. On that page please choose “FEE-Help” and shortly after you will receive a link to the eCAF form from our Finance team.

Can I get FEE-HELP if I am not an Australian citizen but I have Permanent Residency?

You are eligible for Domestic (non-international) fees but not FEE-HELP. On your offer, there is an option for BPAY payments and also an option for a payment plan.

Reach out if you would like to discuss a payment plan based on the number of subjects you wish to study each trimester. Please speak to our Finance team for further information.

Can I get FEE-HELP if I am from New Zealand?

Yes, but you need to meet some special criteria including holding a NZ Special Category Visa and meeting travel and living requirements. You can find out more here.

Can I get FEE-HELP if I study the Foundation Program?

Unfortunately FEE-HELP does not apply to our Foundation program, so you would need to pay upfront or via a payment plan. Talk to us for more information as there are usually more study options and pathways available for Domestic students, you may not need to study Foundation. Alternatively you can read our mature age entry options.

Are there extra application fees?

If you apply directly with us, there is no fee to apply. If you apply via QTAC, with multiple preference options, QTAC will charge you a fee.

Can I go onto a payment plan?

Yes, please speak to our Finance team for further information.

What is the difference between HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP?

HECS-HELP is the loan program used by public universities. When you move onto Griffith University you will access HECS-HELP if you are eligible. FEE-HELP is the loan program used by private institutions and what will be used for your studies at Griffith College. Both FEE-HELP and HECS-HELP fall under the Australian Government Study Assist program.

What is a "USI" and how do I get one?

If you have previously completed a Certificate or Diploma in the last 5 years, you will already have a USI. If not, you can apply for one. Find out more on the USI website.

Mature Age Applications

I didn't finish senior year at school, but I have done a Certificate or Diploma, am I eligible to apply?

Yes! If your qualification or Year 12 was completed less than 5 years ago, all you need when you apply is a copy of your qualification.

If you completed this more than 5 years ago, you can either apply via QTAC or apply using the work experience criteria on our direct application.

See here for more information on how to apply.

I have not studied in a long time, can I get in?

Yes you can – if you have the following (see entry requirements). Don’t be nervous about returning to study as we have many students who are in a similar position.

Griffith College is the perfect way to commence your higher education study with smaller classes, more one-on-one time with the academic team and additional academic and welfare support readily available.

I have not finished high school, can I get in?

Yes. See our Mature age students application process.

If you are over 18 and have either two years work experience or a Certificate III or higher, you are eligible to study as per our Mature Age application process.

The Diploma of Educational Studies has some additional academic requirements based on where you were born and completed your studies; you may need to have completed a Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Prep or a Certificate III. Fill out an application and we can assess your studies to ensure you meet the requirements to register as a teacher upon graduation.


Does Griffith College hold Graduation Ceremonies?

Yes. Once per year, Griffith College organises a graduation ceremony for all students who have successfully completed their study. Family and friends are encouraged to attend.

An invitation to the Graduation Ceremony will be sent to graduands via email approximately 4-6 weeks prior to the ceremony.

You can check Key Dates for our next upcoming Graduation date.

What should I wear to Graduation?

We do not have a formal dress code; however we recommend dressing for a special occasion. Graduation is a time to celebrate your incredible achievements!

We will have gowns and mortar boards available for you to borrow and take photos in official graduate dress.

When Meg didn’t receive the ATAR she needed, she completed a Diploma at the College before progressing to a Bachelor of Engineering at University. Hear her story below.

The Griffith College Experience

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